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Writer's pictureLaura Fox

Levels of Perception

A truth I have experienced repeatedly is that people can only meet you at the level of their perception.

It is actually quite a simple concept when you think about it.

There will be people that cannot comprehend what you are saying, doing, or where you are coming from. So in turn they will dismiss you and your ideas entirely.

When people are not on the same level of perception they cannot energetically “hear” each other.

There will also be people throughout your life that will be COMMITTED to not hearing you. All because they don’t want to. What THEY perceive what is. That is the reality they will stick with.

Repeat after me……We do not have time to waste on these people.

No matter how may times you tell them they will not get it. So do not bother trying. Do not spend another minute of energy on them, for it will only hold you back. Remembering this will also save you from the mental torment.

The KEY is to connect with people who can see what you see. These people will be on the same frequency as you. So together you can effortlessly create and elevate to where you need to be!

There will be freedom to openly discuss innovative and transformational ideas and insights.

It will feel like OPEN SPACE, PEACE, AND FREEDOM. While effortlessly going with the flow of the universe.

Ideas and visions do not materialize if you do not put them into action. So when you have like minded souls in your corner you can work together to create the unknown. Brave souls are willing to stay true to their vision. A vision that was just waiting to be born and something the world most likely needs.

Stay true to yourself. Let the creativity flow. It's time to alchemize.

Stick with these souls and….

Trail blaze ahead!

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